"A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person." - Dave Barry

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

You are sitting at a table. That is your table. The other tables are not for you.

Piggy backing off of my last post- not only should you not take up an extra table for your children (because you obviously don't want to spend time with them) you should not take up an extra table with all of the shit you have brought to dinner or with the menus (drinks, dessert, etc) that are designated for your table. Yesterday a man moved his drink menu onto another table. Now, this isn't the worst thing that can happen in my day, but it is irritating. He was sitting at a four-top with two other men; you can fit another adult there but you cannot find a place to put the drink menu? Come on now.

Also, please fucking listen to what I have to say. Not only is it common courtesy, but it will get things done faster and easier this way. I absolutely despise the way people ignore me when I'm working. Some examples:
-I walk up to say hello and take your drink order, while I am saying, "hi, how are you?" or some variant thereof, you are obviously dying of dehydration because you interrupt me to bark a drink order in my direction.

-I walk up to say hello and take your drink order, you continue chatting with your dinner-mate and ignore me entirely. This is even better when I am trying to take your full order and you later complain that you had to wait forever to place it. No, you didn't, or you wouldn't have had to if I hadn't come and gone three times waiting for you to finish your discussion that was obviously so important.

-I say something like, "Alright I'm going to go grab you ketchup, do you need anything else at the moment?" and you say, "uhhh, ketchup" like I am an idiot bitch who wants to serve you a burger and withhold condiments.  This always makes me want to say, "yes, if you had enough respect for other people to actually listen to what I was saying, you'd know that was on the way." but instead I have to say something like, "oh of course, I'll be right back with that!"

Over all: be fucking polite, you aren't actually better than me.

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