"A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person." - Dave Barry

Friday, December 21, 2012

Something positive.

I'm going through a lot right now and work has been a nice break from real life stress, but it's also hard to keep a happy face on all the time.

Yesterday I went into work feeling pretty low and we got really busy really quickly. I ended up with 11 tables (which is generally considered a shitload) and I found myself cheering up. Every table I had was friendly, kind, and patient. Every time I checked in with them, they'd comment on how busy I looked and how well I was handling it. Many of them had way too much cash on their bills and when I offered to grab them change, they said, "it's all set, merry christmas." These people have no idea how much they helped me yesterday. Their positive attitudes felt contagious and it helped me get through a really hard day with a smile on my face.

Last week I had a really bad encounter with a well known customer. He proceeded to harass me for an hour and speak poorly of me to every customer at my bar. Luckily, they were almost all regulars who I get along with very well. After this guy left, one of my favorite regulars came over and said, "that guy is an asshole." This regular never speaks poorly of anyone and rarely swears, so it made me feel so much better. Last night the same regular came back and asked if I had any repercussions after my encounter with that asshole, then offered to speak to my boss about him on my behalf.

I may write all about crazy and rude people in here, but there is a huge spot in my heart for my awesome regulars and sweet strangers. Kind people are one of the things that keep me going at my job and I hope they know how much I appreciate them.

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